Night Sky Photography – Lumix GX85
Thought I’d give the red rocks under the night sky a shot. We have dark skies ordinances in Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. Add to that the undeveloped land under the Park Service and State Parks the stars can shine.
It was a new moon night, and the clouds had parted for places unknown. It was a very clear night. When the cat woke me up, I decided to run out and see what I could do with the new Lumix GX85. I added the 15mm f1.7 lens and started taking multiple exposures for combining later in post-production. There are all kinds of rules for focusing properly and how long your exposures can be before the stars start to move and streak during your exposure depending on lens choice. I’m not going to share that part cause some photographers have been doing night photography much longer than I. A bit of searching on the web can get you that info. After I have practiced more, I’ll share some of that information after I’ve tested more.
Castle Rock in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona, AZ
Courthouse Butte Looking north. I will share time-lapse video sequences captured by the GX8 in a future post.
Both images were made with multiple exposures layered together using Adobe Photoshop.
It’s a new world for me to play in.
Now all I have to do is be able to stay awake overnight!
Yours in Creative Photography, Bob
The post night sky photography appeared first on Successful Photographer.